Weighing In On Weight Loss: Comparing Yourself to Others


As I sit here in the lobby of a local oil change & car wash place, the TV on Fox News, Hobby Lobby is the topic of discussion. A few guys,  probably in their 40s,  sit to my right engaging in an in-depth conversation about helicopters. There is some chatter in the distance I can’t quite make out.  My mind, however, is focused on weight loss. I watch these men with their beer bellies, and less than desirable figures, comfortably walk, talk, and move about. I see more protruding midsections here than in a maternity store!  Wow!  Do men just not care about their weight like women do?  Do men just not make as big of a deal about it?  I am not sure, but if they’re happy, who am I to say anything? 

As a woman,  it is a daily struggle with skinny pants, short shorts, and extra fitted shirts.  If a woman wears “comfortable” fitting clothes then she is letting herself go. If she puts on the latest fashions that her body is not quite ready for then, “she shouldn’t be wearing that.” The images of what we should look like are everywhere. Constant reminders that we aren’t what we should be.  In my opinion, if we can block out the perceived “perfections”, we might be able to reach our weight loss goals. 

Constantly comparing our bodies to the next woman can be good and bad.  For some, comparisons are fuel and motivation to stay on the journey for a better body. For others, it can cause setbacks. Some women see the ideal body, compare, and see how far they have to go. This causes them to feel as if they will never reach that size, and give up. In this case, it is time to quit comparing. Use clothes or numbers as your ONLY motivation. For example, if you are a size 16, buy something in a 14 or a 12, and let that be your only goal. Other alternatives to body comparisons are: setting weight goals, measurement goals, cholesterol levels goals, blood pressure numbers goals, blood sugar levels goals, etc… These are just some tips from a woman who is in the process of losing weight.

Women might have more interest in their weight than men, but maybe taking a page from their books might be the key to successful weight loss. Comparing bodies should only be done if you are mentally capable of using this as motivation. If comparing makes you want to give up, do as some men do, don’t even worry about the next person!  Live your life for you, make gradual changes, and you are your ONLY competition! 

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. sweetlittlenetwork
    Mar 30, 2014 @ 19:12:50

    Men care and even obsess just more privately and also to their guy friends. However in regards to society, women are more pressured into fitting a certain body type. I know a guy that is not the most fit but swears the woman he marries must not gain much weight. He even jokes that he will put into a pre-nup



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