Immigration Separation: Nigeria to US

Picture it…USA…2017. You have worked hard to create the best life for yourself. You spent time improving your mental, physical, financial as well as spiritual health. You followed the American society’s blueprint for a great life. You are a stable and independent female living in the US. You meet a guy who lives in Nigeria and over time the two of you fall in love. Eventually, you marry him in Nigeria and you are the happiest you have been in your entire life. And you should be. You did everything by the book. However, you return to the US…alone. Your husband is unable to accompany you back to the states, because there is so much red tape involved with the immigration process to the US. His immigration request to the states has not been approved.

Please help my friend, more like sister, and her husband. It has been three years since they married each other in Nigeria, and her husband is STILL getting the runaround. It takes nothing to sign this petition. It takes nothing to offer guidance and advice to this young couple. I am literally begging for the help of anyone who reads this. Please sign the petition and have others sign the petition.

If you know of any advice or resources that would help with my friend’s husband’s arrival to the US, please email me at

Her husband has already gone through the necessary steps for immigration. He has not been able to reach anyone regarding his immigration status decision. Phone calls and emails are going unanswered. Please help in any way you can.

Thank you.


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The bottle had been unexpectedly opened and it was right there, the pill she had prescribed to herself.

Doubt quickly consumed her.

Unable to turn back, she learned the pill was harder to swallow than originally expected.

A playlist of emotions linked to memories was the soundtrack that instantly flooded her thoughts.

Anxiety struck as her chest tightened. Sadness loomed as the tears stung and welled up in her eyes.

Too pained to push the tears out, she blinked them free as they dampened her numb cheeks.

Expiration was imminent as the stabbing sensation in her lungs interrupted her breathing. She gasped through the tears and the pain deeply regretting her decision.

But the playlist of emotions linked to memories came to an end on a broken and weak goodbye.

Open Your World to Imagination

Image result for imagination

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Open the door for Imagination.

Prop it open with a heavy rock.

Welcome Imagination into your world!

Take notice as the tables and the wheels turn.

WATCH the colors change with the time on the clock.

LISTEN to unfamiliar sounds mix and mingle with sounds of familiarity.

INHALE the intoxicating scents you never knew existed.

Enjoy the TASTE of an exotic fruit that is unique to a veiled tropical island.

FEEL. Feel the bitter cold of winter and the warmth of bold summer sun.

You are no longer bound to the limits of reality.

Imagination is here to free you.

So, open the door for Imagination.

Prop it open with a heavy rock.

And welcome Imagination into your world!


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