Day Six: Amazingly, Monday Had Other Plans for Me


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If you work in retail, as I just so happen to do, your work schedule will often vary. When I get my schedule, my eyes immediately scan for the word OFF. Now don’t get me wrong, my job is ok, and I am thankful to have it. However, who doesn’t look forward to their days away from work?

After working Wednesday through Sunday, I was jumping for joy on the inside that today is Monday. Yes, you read it correctly, I couldn’t wait for Monday. While most people were dreading its mere existence, I was planning out my day of rest and relaxation. Amazingly, Monday had other plans for me.

Walk in the forest alarm playing

It’s my 6:30 A.M. alarm going off. The same one I snooze right through any other day, but today is different. My husband said he would allow me to rest today since my oldest son was away for Spring Break and I didn’t have to bring him to school. I wake up and help my husband get our two year old son ready for school (daycare). He was going to drop our son off to school then head out to work. Everything went according to plan except…

I get out of bed and get ready for my day of nothing ahead of me.  I then make my way to the kitchen to prepare my morning bowl of oatmeal, yum!  Amazingly, Monday had other plans for me.  There he sat,  upon the light bulb, above the kitchen sink, just waiting to ruin my perfectly planned day of nothing.


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A wasp.  No bigger than my thumb. A wasp.  A wasp.  A wasp.  A wasp.  Insert expletives here!  I am afraid…no terrified…no I am panick-stricken. I came right back in my bedroom, closed the door and locked it behind me. (As if the critter will be able to open the door unlocked, let alone locked!)

Well folks, I am in my bed, out of harm’s (the wasp’s) way.  Doing exactly what I planned to do today…absolutely nothing. I sure hope my husband comes home for lunch!


K. A. Smith

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