Changing Others By Changing Yourself: Creating a Better Life

ImageThe past week or so has been pretty rough for me.  There were ups, and there were downs.  Unexpected twists and turns became the norm for me, but days passed, and life got better.  In fact it became better than it had been in years!  Some times in life we focus on the things others do to hurt us, but there is not much we can do to change other people.


During this past week, I realized that a change in self may be all that is needed to bring you to a better place.  Why are people mistreating you?  Why is everything going wrong?  Why do I keep messing up? Instead of shutting people out of your life, or trying to change them, try looking at yourself.  Take some time to sit in silence, and just think.  What is it that you don’t like about yourself?  What is that negative thing about you others always seem to point out? There is a common thread there somewhere, and you need to locate it and work on changing it. 

There is a good chance that your negative ways are poisoning your relationships, and indirectly hindering the successes you desire.  Admit one of your negative personality traits today.  Don’t just admit it to yourself, admit it to someone you may have hurt or offended with that behavior.  Next, you may have to do some research, meditating, or praying to open your mind to changing.  Knowing the benefits to modifying your behavior can also help you on your journey of a better you.  Finally, be consistent. You might feel like giving up initially, but in the long run it is well worth it.  

Is there something about you that is ruining your relationships?  Is there something that you never really liked about yourself, and finally want to change? Do you have any advice for someone who is trying to change bad habits or better themselves in life? Please share in the comments, I would love to discuss this topic with you!


3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. somedaymeansnvr
    May 12, 2014 @ 20:52:05

    Opening your mind to change is always easier when you surround yourself with the right people—the kind of people you want to become. So when you think of the things you wish you could change about yourself, look around at the people you spend the most time with. How similar are you?
    Also, spending time with the right people doesn’t necessarily mean actual human contact. Reading books or listening to audiobooks, immersing yourself in a culture of self-improvement works the same way. You are surrounding yourself with their thoughts, and in time you will begin to think the same way.
    What do you think?



    • lefraise2002
      May 12, 2014 @ 20:58:34

      I agree. The company you keep has everything to do with your progress. I especially like when you said spending time doesn’t have to be human contact. The books you read, and the movies you watch all greatly influence your attitude. Thanks for your input!



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